Board Member Application
We need several new board members who can help SpiritCare grow and serve seniors in long term care in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you would like to join SpiritCare's board we are looking for people who have experience in one or more of the following areas:
- Grant Writing
- Fund Raising
- Treasury Functions For A Non-profit In California
- Publicity - includes writing and graphic design
- Social Media
- Volunteer Management
- Event Planning
- Gerontology
- Technology - helping with web development, systems management (Salesforce, Google Apps, Mailchimp, etc.), user support and training
- Managing a chapter-based organization
- Leading worship services that are suitable for older adults from diverse faith backgrounds
- Commit to normal Californian nonprofit board member functions, as well as those given in SpiritCare's Bylaws
- Spend at least 2 hours a month at board meetings, currently on the 3rd Saturday of the month in Burlingame, CA, for at least 9 months of the year. It is expected that board members can attend most of the meetings in Burlingame, but we do offer Zoom as an alternative for those who cannot make the meeting in person.
- Agree with SpiritCare's Mission Statement and Statement of Ethics
- Give or get $5000 for the ministry each year - you may do this by donating $ or stock and/or recruiting others who can help finance the ministry
- Participate in major events for donors, volunteers and care communities, as needed
To apply, fill in an Application form for a Board of Directors position which may also be accessed by scanning QR code on your mobile phone.